Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Food Inc

This movie had a huge impact on me. The facts about the food industry were very suprising and astonishing. The treatment of these animals, which will become our food, was what grabbed me the most and is absolutely inhumane. I mean yeah, they're going to die anyway, but that doesn't mean we should treat them like garbage. With these cows and chickens standing and eating in their own feces, it can't be healthy for them, which makes their meat unhealthy for us. And the fact that the industries have to bathe the meat in, I think it was chlorine, makes me wonder about what else goes on behind closed doors.

Also, why not have these cows eat what they're genetically made to eat? GRASS. It grows naturally, their manure fertilizes it, and its healthy for the cow. I mean I get it, corn is cheap and you have to wait for grass to grow back, but isn't it worth the risk of not getting E-coli into the meat? It's crazy how if one cow spreads the bacteria and it gets into the raw meat, then about 25% of the meat distributed to America is bad and dangerous and needs to be recalled. And if that happens then the company can't even be shut down by the FDA. What's the point of such an agency if they have no power over the thing thats most important? Its BS how these companies have so much power and I am totally against them. But what can I do? I can try to eat organically and try to buy from local farmer's markets but I dont think I can afford to do that right now. I've already boycotted fast food (because of this movie), not completely yet though because the food is so cheap and tastes so good! But I'm trying and am looking into ways to influence a change in this multi-million dollar company ran food industry. I never thought MY FOOD would be so controlled by a big shot company that seems to have no moral ethics about the simplest aspect of life, eating.


  1. In the reading posted on Blackboard, the author wanted to follow a certain cow from farm to table. After seeing the movie and reading this excerpt, I found this quite a challenge. One of the stats in the movie mentioned that there are more than 1,000 cows in just one burger. This, to me, was astonishing. To even fathom that seems impossible. Our food industry has become nothing less than a factory. What was once natural is now industrialized.

  2. The process for "cleaning" the meat also makes me wonder what goes on behind closed doors. How is the consumer supposed to know what methods are being used to "clean" the meat?
    I tried to look up some information to determine if it is indeed chlorine that they use and it turns out that is just one type of "cleaner" being used. There are many different "cleaners" out there and some of them sound just plain scary.
    Here is a link that I went to that was kind of interesting, if in a horrifying way... http://www.thefoodnewz.com/index.php?categoryid=48

  3. Good viewpoint on this issue. There's a lot of wrong things going on that many people don't wanna know about it. It sucks that we now know what's going on because there's little we can do but deal with it.

  4. I am also attempting to stop my fast food habits. The problem is the convenience of it. Sometimes I'm in-between classes and only have a few minutes to eat before another 4 hours of class, yea of course I'm going to grab some fast food. So lately I've been trying to think ahead to the next day, and packing myself a lunch the night before. Saves money and it won't kill me, bonus.

  5. scary huh?.. but i love the first part of your blog because what you where talking about; cows being born just to be eaten, makes me think of the silly movies that are about cloning humans for organs, the only name of one i can think of is the Island (not the best movie) but it is getting into that era of making, producing animals, just to eat them or use them for your own uses. its sad, like you said just because these animals were produced for our consumption doesn't mean they have to have a miserable life... But then even if you dont think of the moral aspect of it then like you said think of what it is doing to us. i mean why can they not just feed the cows grass? .. i guess they don't get as fat as fast but hey it also takes out that tinny little factor of possible DEath.

  6. This is the second time I have watched this movie and I stopped eating fast food shortly after my first viewing. The reason fast food tastes good is because of the added flavorings put into it. After you eat the real stuff, your taste buds adjust to those flavors and fast food does not taste as good any more. I might eat fast food once every three months. Also, the money you save now may cost you later in medical bills.
